
The Grand Staircase

The Grand Staircase
THIS PROP IS FOR SALE AS OF FEB. 1, 2016. Please contact Cindy Evans at Boydbandpresident@gmail.com or Joe Nunez at jnunez@mckinneyisd.net. Staircase has Field Tires approved by our athletic department and and a certified letter from an Engineer as to it construction and design. We would love for it to find a good home! 
Here is an example of a Grand Staircase that was a comment on the Welcome Page.

Watch until the end and you will see how this stair comes apart. Very clever!

This is the original message.

Just found your site...great resource. Thought I would share our prop from this year. Very large modular grand staircase. Total of 10 modules latched together. This thing was nicknamed the beast as it was very large (32ft wide at the front flare little over 29ft long). We used metal frames as "carts" and build the wood modules on top of them. I am certain there are much lighter materials that could be used but our primary concern was strength. Any way thought you might enjoy this. 


P.S. took 40 volunteer parents to move onto the field in a timely manner. 

1 comment:

  1. THIS PROP IS FOR SALE AS OF FEB. 1, 2016. Please contact Cindy Evans at Boydbandpresident@gmail.com or Joe Nunez at jnunez@mckinneyisd.net. Staircase has Field Tires approved by our athletic department and and a certified letter from an Engineer as to it construction and design. We would love for it to find a good home!
